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Get Involved
If you would like to learn more about intersectionality and women experiences, get more leadership opportunities, and join a community of strong intelligent female leaders, you should join MoCoEmpowHER!
Although our Leadership Institute and Board of Directors applications are currently CLOSED, becoming a member is available to EVERYONE, and anyone can join at any time with no commitments!
Here's how:
Sign up for our Remind as well to get updates on your phone by texting @mocoe to 81010
2. Come to our events!
Once you've signed up for our email list, you'll be getting direct reminders of our upcoming meetings!
They are all completely FREE and open to EVERYONE: it's as simple as just showing up!
Our meetings vary from those with panelists of women in different career fields, to discussions about racial equity in our community. We create a safe space for people of all gender identities to discuss current issues and make real connections.
Check out the Events Page to see our previous meetings and projects (or head to our Instagram), and to sign up for our future ones!
3. Tell Your Friends!
We are always trying to expand our community! We love new members and hearing diverse and new perspectives.
Share our posts on social media and encourage all your friends to join our meetings to show your commitment to EmpowHER!
If you have any other questions or suggestions for improvement, feel free to contact us at anytime! Thank you for being a part of our community!
Supporting us financially helps us continue furthering our mission!
Here is how you can donate:
Go To:
Carver Educational Services Center
850 Hungerford Drive
Rocvkville, Maryland 20850
Room 211
Write a Check:
Payable To:
MCPS Student Leadership
(Specify MoCo EmpowHER on the bottom)
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